Tuesday, 17 June 2014



Other than HAPPA that I mentioned I also know of a range of different charities: 
HAPPA- http://www.happa.org.uk

The Donkey Sanctuary- http://www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk
RSPCA- http://www.rspca.org.uk/home
Redwings- http://www.redwings.org.uk/about-us/
World Horse Welfare- http://www.worldhorsewelfare.org/About-Us
The Horse Trust- http://www.horsetrust.org.uk
Blue Cross- http://www.bluecross.org.uk/2584/adopt-a-horse-or-pony.html

I watched a documentary by Martin Clunes which takes a closer look into the bonds between horses and people around the world. Here is it's introduction:

Is there any animal as graceful or beautiful... or more powerful as a horse? More than any other creature they've helped us shape our world. For generations they've carried us on their backs across continents and into battle. What's the secret of our bond with these gentle giants? How did we get so close to such a nervous shy animal? and how can I get closer to mine?

History & origin of the horse:

Jean-Francois Pignon appeared on the documentary, he's a french horse trainer who has done a whole range of different horse shows at events such as Olympia. Within the documentary he states:  'when you are human, naturally you are the leader, you are dominant. But if you have no love in your heart you abuse them. The horse is very sensitive. The whole time he scans you and if you are not okay inside he will think "you are not comfortable for me". When the horses doesn't know a human they think- he wants to eat me- but if you are not aggressive you can take the place of protector.'

Within the documentary Martin Clunes also meets up with legendary 'horse whisperer' Monty Roberts who shows him the join up method as a way of representing the idea of how horses changed from food to friend. The first step involved frightening the horse away and he stated he felt as though he was reinforcing his horses ancient fear instincts however the next part included stopping walking straight towards your horse and then in fact turning away. This works because it follows natural behaviour, this is how a mother would discipline a naughty foal. 

Above Jean-Francois Pignon spoke about the idea that: "if you have no love in your heart you abuse them" which does happen worldwide sadly. However the charity I want to research into (HAPPA) works incredibly hard to do their best to find abused and abandoned horses new loving homes and ultimately a second chance. 

Horses used for sport and recreation:

Horse now are not only used for working such as heavy horses and those who are led into battle but they are also used for recreational purposes and forms of entertainment such as racing and sporting events (polo, olympics and showing). Showing horses is extremely competitive and is as popular now as it was when it initially started several hundreds of years ago. 

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